Find detailed information on differents stars and constellations.

The Constellations

In Chapter I we saw the Earth hanging in space, like a globe isolated on all sides, and surrounded at vast distances by a multitude of stars. These fiery orbs are suns like that which illuminates ourselves. They shin

Our Star The Sun

In the incessant agitation of daily life in which we are involved by the thousand superfluous wants of modern "civilization," one is prone to assume that existence is complete only when it reckons to the good an incalculable number of petty inciden


andromeda (an-drom´-e-dä)—the Chained Lady.

Location.—The star α Alpheratz is at the northeastern corner of the great square of Pegasus, one of the stellar landmarks. Running east from α, at almost equal distances, are four other stars, two of which are of the second

aquarius (a-kwā´ri-us)—the Water Carrier. (face Southwest.)

Location.—A line drawn from β Pegasi to α of the same constellation, and prolonged as far again, ends just east of the so-called water jar of Aquarius, which is formed by a group of four stars in the form of a "Y," as ind

aquila (ak´-wi-lä)—the Eagle, And Antinoüs. (face Southeast.)

Location.—Half-way up the sky in the Milky Way, you will see three stars in a line, the middle one much brighter than the other two. This bright star is Altair, in Aquila. It forms with Vega and Deneb an isosceles triangle. Altair is at the a

argo Navis (är´-go Nā´-vis)—the Ship Argo. (face South.)

Location.—Argo is situated southeast of Canis Major. If a line joining Betelgeuze and Sirius be prolonged 18° southeast, it will point out Naos, a star of the second magnitude in the rowlock of the Ship. This star is in the southeast corn

aries (ā´-ri-ēz)—the Ram. (face Southeast.)

Location.—The star α in Aries, known as Hamal, and sometimes as Arietis, a star of the second magnitude, is about 7° south of α Trianguli. A line drawn from the Pole Star to γ Andromedæ, and prolonged about 20°
