Corvus (kôr´-vus)—the Crow. (face South.)

Location.—A line drawn from the Bee Hive, in Cancer, through Regulus, in Leo, and prolonged about 40°, ends near the conspicuous quadrilateral which distinguishes Corvus. The brightest star in this region of the sky is Spica, in Virgo. It lies about 10° northeast of Algorab.

ζ is a double star for an opera-glass. A faint pair of stars lie close below and to the west of β. The Crow is represented as standing on, and pecking at, the coils of Hyd

a. The star Al Chiba is in the Crow's bill.

Corvus was known as the Raven in Chaucer's time.

δ is an interesting telescopic double.

A line drawn from γ to β Corvi and prolonged twice its length locates the third-magnitude star ι Centauri in the right shoulder of the Centaur. The brightest stars in this constellation are not visible in this latitude.


