Location.—A line drawn from Regulus to Zosma, in Leo, and prolonged an equal distance, strikes this fine cluster, which is 18° northeast of Zosma, δ Leonis.
The group lies well within a triangle formed by Denebola, Arcturus, in Boötes, and Cor Caroli, in Canes Venatici, which triangle is the upper half of the Diamond of Virgo.
Twenty or thirty stars in this group can be counted with an opera-glass, and the group can be easily d
The first half of the month of April can be called the most brilliant sidereal period of the year. At this time eleven first-magnitude stars are visible in this latitude at 9 p.m. From east to west they are: Vega, Arcturus, Spica, Regulus, Pollux, Procyon, Sirius, Capella, Aldebaran, Betelgeuze, and Rigel, truly a glorious company, an incomparable sight.