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andromeda (an-drom´-e-dä)—the Chained Lady.
<p>Location.—The star α Alpheratz is at the northeastern corner of the great square of Pegasus, one of the stellar landmarks.</p> <p>Running east from α, at almost equal distances, are four other stars, two of which are of the second...
aquarius (a-kwā´ri-us)—the Water Carrier. (face Southwest.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from β Pegasi to α of the same constellation, and prolonged as far again, ends just east of the so-called water jar of Aquarius, which is formed by a group of four stars in the form of a "Y," as ind...
aquila (ak´-wi-lä)—the Eagle, And Antinoüs. (face Southeast.)
<p>Location.—Half-way up the sky in the Milky Way, you will see three stars in a line, the middle one much brighter than the other two. This bright star is Altair, in Aquila. It forms with Vega and Deneb an isosceles triangle. Altair is at the a...
argo Navis (är´-go Nā´-vis)—the Ship Argo. (face South.)
<p>Location.—Argo is situated southeast of Canis Major. If a line joining Betelgeuze and Sirius be prolonged 18° southeast, it will point out Naos, a star of the second magnitude in the rowlock of the Ship. This star is in the southeast corn...
aries (ā´-ri-ēz)—the Ram. (face Southeast.)
<p>Location.—The star α in Aries, known as Hamal, and sometimes as Arietis, a star of the second magnitude, is about 7° south of α Trianguli. A line drawn from the Pole Star to γ Andromedæ, and prolonged about 20°...
auriga (â-ri´-ga)—the Charioteer. (face Northwest.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from δ to α Ursæ Majoris, and prolonged about 45°, ends near the bright Capella, in Auriga, a star of the first magnitude, and one of the most brilliant in the heavens. It is unmistakable, having n...
boötes (bō-ō´tēz)—the Herdsman, Or Bear Driver. (face West.)
<p>Location.—Boötes lies just west of the Crown, and east of Cor Caroli. It may be easily distinguished by the position and splendor of its principal star, Arcturus, which shines with a golden yellow lustre. It is about 35° east of Dene...
cancer (kan´-ser)—the Crab. (face West.)
<p>Location.—Cancer lies between Gemini and Leo. A line drawn from Nath in Auriga to Pollux in Gemini, and prolonged about 15°, ends in Præsepe, the Manger, the great star cluster in Cancer, which is also called "The Bee Hive.&quo...
canes Venatici (kā´-nēz Ve-nat´-i-cī)—the Hunting Dogs. (face Northwest.)
<p>Location.—Cor Caroli, the bright star in this constellation, when on the meridian is about 17° south of ε Ursæ Majoris. A line drawn from η Ursæ Majoris, through Berenice's Hair, to Denebola, in Leo, passes through...
canis Major (kā´-nis Mā-jor)—the Greater Dog. (face South.)
<p>Location.—The three stars in Orion's girdle point southeast to Sirius, the dog star, in Canis Major, the most brilliant star in the heavens. It was connected in the minds of the Egyptians with the rising of the Nile, and is receding from the ...
canis Minor (kā´-nis Mī´-nor)—the Lesser Dog. (face West.)
<p>Location.—Procyon, the Little Dog Star, lies about 23° south of Pollux, in Gemini. A line drawn from Nath, in Auriga, to Alhena, in Gemini, and prolonged about 18°, reaches Procyon.</p> <p>Procyon is equidistant from Betelgeuze in Ori...
capricornus (kap-ri-kôr´-nus)—the Sea Goat. (face Southwest.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from α Pegasi through ζ and θ in the same constellation, and projected about 25°, strikes α and β in Capricornus.</p> <p>This constellation contains three principal stars—α an...
cassiopeia (kas-i-ō-pē´-ya)—the Lady In The Chair. (face North.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from δ Ursæ Majoris, through Polaris, strikes α Cassiopeiæ. It is situated the same distance from Polaris as Ursa Major, and about midway between Polaris and the zenith in the Milky Way. Cassiope...
cepheus (sē´-fūs) (face North.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from α to β Cassiopeiæ and prolonged about 18° strikes α Cephei. The nearest bright star west of Polaris is γ Cephei. Cepheus is an inconspicuous constellation, lying partly in the Milky ...
cetus (sē´-tus)—the Whale. (face Southeast.)
<p>Location.—A line drawn from Polaris, to δ Cassiopeiæ, and prolonged two and one third times its original length, reaches the centre of this constellation.</p> <p>It lies just below Aries and the Triangle, and resembles the figure ...
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the Constellations Of Spring.
hercules (her´-kū-lēz)—the Kneeler.
ursa Minor (er´-sa Mi´-nor)—the Little Bear. (face North.)
ursa Major (er´sa Mā´-jor)—the Great Bear. (face North.)
cetus (sē´-tus)—the Whale. (face Southeast.)
corvus (kôr´-vus)—the Crow. (face South.)
leo (le´o)—the Lion. (face South.)
auriga (â-ri´-ga)—the Charioteer. (face Northwest.)
Least Viewed
the Motions Of The Stars.
meteors, Or Shooting-stars.
crater (krā´-ter)—the Cup. (face South.)
lyra (lī´-ra)—the Lyre.
eridanus (ē-rid´-a-nus)—or The River Po. (face Southwest.)
canis Major (kā´-nis Mā-jor)—the Greater Dog. (face South.)
sagittarius (saj-i-tā-ri-us)—the Archer. (face South.)
lepus (lē´-pus)—the Hare. (face South.)